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Chlamydia Chlamydia is a curable, sexually t

Chlamydia is a curable, sexually transmitted disease caused by bacteria called Chlamydia trachomalis (NIAID). It can be contracted during oral, vaginal or anal sexual contact with an infected partner. The bacteria live in vaginal fluid or semen. The infection may move inside the body if not treated and infect the cervix, fallopian tubes, and urinary canal. It can cause pelvic inflammatory disease.

Chlamydia can sometimes occur without producing symptoms. Symptoms usually occur one to three weeks after infection (NIAID). There may be an abnormal discharge of mucus or pus from the vagina. C. trachomalis can cause inflammation of the rectum and lining of the eye, and can infect the throat from oral sex with an infected partner.

Chlamydia is easily confused with gonorrhea because the symptoms are similar and the two can occur together (NIAID). The most reliable way to test for chlamydia is by collection of a sample of fluid from the vagina with a swab, which is then cultured in the laboratory to see if the chlamydia organism can be grown from the sample, and to do a urinalysis, which also may allow identification of the bacteria.

Chlamydia is treated with antibiotics such as azithromycin for one day, or doxycycline for seven days, or erythromycin or ofloxacin (NIAID). You must tell your sex partner if you have chlamydia so they can be tested and treated if necessary. You should not have sexual intercourse until your treatment is completed and successful. The medication should be taken for the prescribed time even after symptoms disappear.

The best way to avoid chlamydia infection is to abstain from sexual intercourse, or to be in a stable, monogamous relationship with a partner who has been tested and is not infected (NIAID). The chances of infection can also be reduced if your sex partner always uses a latex condom every time you have sexual intercourse. It is re


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Chlamydia Chlamydia is a curable, sexually t. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 23:14, May 10, 2024, from