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Value of Sports in the Schools

The pros and cons pertaining to the value of sports in the schools will be examined. The benefits and detriments to young athletic competition will be discussed, with examples. The "Seven Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education" will be included in the discussion to illustrate their applicability to sports participation.

Some of the commonly accepted pros to participation in sports include the following: the value of teamwork, the strengthening of character through competition, the opportunity of obtaining scholarships, and the teaching of ethics. On the other hand, it is also commonly held that an undue emphasis on competition at any cost can be detrimental to an individual. In addition, some athletes sacrifice a good education for a chance at the big time, which very seldom actually materializes.

First, a look at the "Seven Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education," developed in 1972 by the National Education Association, will show that these principles can all be positively associated with sports. The seven principles are, in order, (1.) Health; (2.) Command of Fundamental Processes; (3.) Worthy Home Membership; (4.) Vocation; (5.) Citizenship; (6.) Worthy Use of Leisure; and (7.) Ethical Character.

Participation in sports at all levels is healthy (thus the first principle: Health), particularly if one defines health as the NEA Bicentennial Panelists--a state of well being related to three aspects: mental, physical, and emotional health. Schools have an important role to play in this regard, because physical education teachers and coaches must know each individual's competencies and state of physical readiness.

The NEA panelists mentioned human relations skills as one example of a Command of Fundamental Processes, the second principle. Athletes who learn to be team players are acquiring this beneficial skill. In addition, one must learn how to win graciously, and accept defeat realistically. One's op...

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Value of Sports in the Schools. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 09:06, February 15, 2025, from