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Privacy and Freedom of Information

chological background, financial transactions, and employment history (79).

Other information deemed personal by these prior acts includes address, telephone number, blood type, and personal opinions held by the person, as well as opinions that others hold of the individual and correspondence sent to an institution that was confidential in nature. It is recommended by F.I.P.A. that this list be adopted as a non-exhaustive list of types of information which are personal.

According to F.I.P.A., information regarding employment is not so personal, and information concerning a person's position, time of employment, salary level, and duties of the job are not considered personal, and for a good enough reason may be disclosed to organizations that have good reason for needing the information. In other words, employment information is public information (82).

The F.I.P.A. recommends that privacy rights are protected only for individual persons, not for corporations and other legal entities, such as partnerships and businesses. The people within those groups have privacy rights, but the organization as a whole need not be considered as part of the concern of privacy rights.

In terms of how personal information should be collected, it is recommended that the governmental agency have a very good reason for needing personal facts about someone. The data must relate directly to the function of the governmental institution in order for it to be acceptable for gathering it. An exception to this recommendation would be if something needs to be known about a person for law enforcement purposes (85). Whenever possible, information should be gathered directly rather than indirectly, if for a good reason indirect collection is required, the individual should be notified in writing of the action and the reason for it (90). As a part of these actions of collection of information, the person needs to be told whether or not giving the infor...

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Privacy and Freedom of Information. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 22:11, May 06, 2024, from